We Might Be Your Spiritual Home If...
You believe that God is in everything and everywhere present
You believe that all paths are the right path because all roads lead to the Supreme One
You believe in the healing power of love
You want to be loved and supported as your authentic self
You can influence your life through spiritual practice...meditation, affirmative prayer, mindfulness, sacred service and visioning
You can change your life through the power of positive thought
We Practice Science of Mind
We are part of an international movement called Science of Mind. Science of Mind is a philosophy that was founded by Rev. Dr. Ernest Holmes, who, after studying many of the great religions of the world, realized that they were rooted in the same unifying themes of commonality.
We teach and practice a simple message: As you change your thinking, you change your life.
We are passionate about growing spirituality through learning and living.
At the Columbus Center for Spiritual Living, we teach and practice universal principles that help us create the life we desire. Even better, we don't ask you to take our word for what's "right" or "true." Instead, we encourage you to try out the principles and see what changes in your experiences.
Events to Check Out!
We honor wherever you are on your path to Spirituality!
Join us every Sunday!
Sunday Celebration Service
10:30 AM - 11:30AM